Beardy History

About me

Tony McMahon author

THE BEARDY HISTORIAN – Tony McMahon – as seen on TV!


Join me on YouTube: @tonymcmahon_historybear

I’m Tony McMahon – an investigative historian, published author, and journalist. I appear regularly on History, Discovery, Channel 5, and other TV networks on documentary series covering everything from UFOs to the Knights Templar and the scandals surrounding the British Royal Family. My topic areas range across true crime, popular science, history, and mystery.

As a former TV news producer (BBC, Sky News) and print journalist (Financial Times magazines, freelancing for national newspapers), I bring a methodical, well research and legally fact checked approach to creating compelling content. I understand the need to be factually accurate while at the same time entertaining the target audience with great stories.

Historian, author, and former journalist. My background as a print, TV and online reporter and producer means I approach history from an investigative angle. Looking into the past to uncover the truth about mysteries that are seemingly unsolvable. My job is to distinguish fact from fiction, history from mystery.

Subject areas:

  • The Knights Templar – the mystery and the history of this enigmatic order of monastic warriors. I have three books out over the next couple of years with the publishers, Pen & Sword, about all aspects of the Templars – so look out for that!
  • Jack the Ripper – in May 2024, Troubador will publish Jack the Ripper and Abraham Lincoln – my new book on the possibly identity of the Ripper and an unexpected link to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865!
  • UFOs – analysing alleged UFO hotspots, the role of government, the military, and claims about contact with extraterrestrials
  • 1970s, 1980s, 1990s – I have a massive interest in late 20th century culture, politics, scandals, the Cold War, and musical genres like punk and disco
  • Terrorism and violent extremism – I worked for a decade as a consultant to the UK and US government on communications around preventing extremism and wrote a book on Islamist ideology – it’s still an area that interests
  • History of Horror – I’m rather obsessed with vampires, werewolves, and mythology plus the origin of children’s fairy stories

Accurate and entertaining

I occupy the middle ground between serious academia and the completely bonkers fringe conspiracy theorists. Making complex stuff easy to understand and fun to learn about. As one documentary producer said to me – remember the viewer has had a tough day at the office and just wants to be transported to some incredible place.

The darker side of history

For several years, I worked as a consultant in counter-terrorism and counter-extremism around the world for government clients. This played to my obsessions with politics, religion and history – and the violent way in which they mix. In 2016, I co-authored a well received book on non-violent Islamist extremism reviewed on several global news outlets.

I’m fascinated by the dark side of history. The plots, conspiracies, wars and revolutions that have convulsed the world for millennia. I’m often asked to talk about the Nazis and the Second World War but also the Cold War and Soviet Union. Going back further, I’m always happy to delve into murderous intrigues, death cults and assassinations. Crime and history are always a compelling combination.

Developing documentary ideas

Apart from appearing on screen, I’m also increasingly developing ideas for documentaries with partner companies and financiers.

I’m also a writing machine generating blogs, social media content, books, all forms of copy at an industrial rate. Never happier than when my fingers are dancing across the keyboard!

The Templar Knight For over ten years I have been running The Templar Knight blog, which has led to many TV documentary appearances talking about the history and mystery of the Templars as well as the many conspiracy theories.

Beardy History This blog ranges over thousands of years of history from ancient Egypt to unsolved Victorian murders. It covers politics, history, and culture from new and compelling angles.

The 70s 80s 90s Blog This blog is about post-Second World War history with a strong focus on the last three decades of the 20th century. It charts the rise of President Ronald Reagan and the UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Financial scandals, rock and pop music trends, weird cults, and lifestyle issues.

History Bear on YouTube On YouTube – I run the History Bear channel with playlists on the Knights Templar, the history of Horror from witches to werewolves; and films on all the top mysteries from the Bermuda Triangle to the Crystal Skulls.